Monday, May 20, 2024

HOT May Monday Sikes Lake Walk Looking For Wildflowers

HOT Monday in May today. With the temperature in the upper 80s, with a strong wind blowing, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured today to provide feeding material to the various bugs which seem to find me tasty.

I do not recollect ever having such a big collection of bug bites as I currently am sporting. Not even on a hike on a trail on one of the Cascade Mountains did I ever get this many bug bites, and those trails are notorious for biting bugs til you get above the timberline. 

Now that I am thinking about it, to hike a Cascade Mountain trail during bug season I would douse myself with bug spray. I do not like dousing myself with bug spray. I may have to start doing that. The bug repelling bracelets do not seem to be working.

Last night something happened which I do not recollect ever happening before. I fell out of bed. We are at that time of the year when one does not sleep under the cover of blankets. Apparently with no blanket to restrain me I rolled out of bed, onto the floor. This was not a pleasant wakeup. 

And not til walking around Sikes Lake did I realize I am a bit sore in various locations, I assume an after effect of the fall out of bed.

We are past the middle of May and I have not seen many wildflowers. Just the pink evening primroses. One would think with the copious amount of rain that it'd be a banner year for wildflowers.

Those are not wildflowers you see in the above photo documentation. 

Well, they may be wildflowers, but those flowers are not growing wild, they are part of the landscaping at the entry to the Wichita Falls Museum of Art.

In addition to this being the time of year that one does not sleep under blankets, it is also the time of year when taking a shower with no hot water added to the mix is refreshing. Cold water is currently sort of lukewarm, due to that vexing outer world HEAT...

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