Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Spencer Jack Driving Through A Flooding Skagit River

Earlier today I mentioned that I expected I would be seeing Skagit River flood documentation from Spencer Jack and his dad.

What I did not expect I would be seeing is video documentation of Spencer Jack driving through a flooding Skagit River.

Seems like only yesterday Spencer Jack took us on a virtual drive on a super dry Skagit River bed.

One bridge has been constructed across the Skagit River since I evacuated the valley to begin my long exile in Texas. That bridge connects Burlington and Mount Vernon. This bridge was built in far less than four years and was built over a big river that can  move a lot of water at times.

Fort Worth is currently taking four years to build three simple little bridges over dry land to connect the Fort Worth mainland to an imaginary island.

Four years.

Over dry land.

Anyway, below Spencer Jack takes you on a very short drive which ends in a big splash, in which you see the new bridge over the Skagit River, with its very special signature one of a kind piers....

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