Thursday, March 12, 2009

Smoking Organic Cigarettes & Apples In Texas

I was at Sprouts Farmers Market yesterday for my weekly stocking up on fresh stuff. Among the fresh stuff I stocked up on was apples. Fuji Apples from Washington were $.69 a pound. So were Organic Red Delicious Apples from Washington.

So, I got some Organic Red Delicious Apples. But the non-organic Fujis seem more delicious than the Delicious. To me Red Delicious apples are best when they are barely off the tree. Which is not an option in Texas.

I don't recollect ever purposely buying something organic before. It's long seemed like just one more marketing gimmick.

And then this afternoon I was reading this week's FW Weekly and saw the ad you see here. For Organic Cigarettes. The song "Isn't It Ironic" comes to mind.

The cigarette brand is "Natural American Spirit." Made with 100% Organic Tobacco, the only cigarette made with 100% Organic Tobacco.

So, if you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle you might want to switch to organic cigarettes. I know I'm thinking of making it my first step to a healthier lifestyle. To help you get started living better and healthier you can go to the Natural American Spirit website and find your way to free samples. You'll have to verify your age first. It's a very sophisticated age verification method.

Due to weather related issues I have not been out of the house to do something healthy, all day. That very rarely happens. I think I'll go to the liquor store to see if I can find some Organic Vodka to go along with my Organic Cigarettes and Organic Red Delicious Apples.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Durango, dude! there are Texas-grown apples and they are dang good, tree-ripened. Ck out info on the web and see what you think. How was that organic vodka? ;-