You are looking at the Friday morning view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony at what 12 inches of snow, give or take an inch, looks like in Fort Worth, Texas.
Miss Puerto Rico called me about 8:30 asking if I could lend some pushing assistance to a stuck vehicle. I'd not helped unstick a vehicle in decades, so that sounded fun.
I made it to the stuck vehicle in about 5 minutes, but it was already unstuck. But I opined that its current location left it vulnerable to other sliders. Moving it to the other side of the parking lot got it stuck again. So, I got in my desired vehicle unstuck help.

That is the unstuck vehicle, the green one, currently stuck in front of the office of the Havenwood Apartments. As you can see there is a lot of snow hanging over the stuck green car.

That is Miss Puerto Rico's Jeep covered with snow. She actually drove it to this location, from her abode, in this snow covered condition. That is Miss PR behind the open door, on the phone, consulting with her boss.
As I wandered around, taking pictures, the snow was falling out of the trees, at times in big bursts. After getting hit by a really big avalanche of snow, I decided it was not a really good idea to be under a snow covered tree. Another good reason not to be under one of the snow covered trees is below.

A limb snapped under the snow weight, toppling over a sidewalk. I suspect before today is done there will be a lot more tree limb snappings happening.

I was going to BBQ and have a picnic today, but the table and BBQing device I use for that activity appears to be not very usable today.
There are mechanized transportation devices out on the roads. I don't think I will be joining them, unless we get a quick melt.

As you can see, this morning I have a lot more cold white vehicle coverage than
I showed you yesterday. Even if I cleared off all the snow and ice I don't know if I could make it over the snow hump.

All the snow that fell since I showed you the Snowball Head, yesterday, has dulled its delicate features, like its orange eyes and big toothy grin. I don't think my van is likely being very happy with its thick coat of ice and snow.

I don't think this tree or bush or shrub or whatever it is, that I see from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony, is likely too happy with its covering of ice and snow. It's being very droopy.

This tree seems to have given up in icy cold exasperation and is sticking its snow covered fingers in the air. Now lets go visit this morning's swimming pool with all its extra snow.

Icicles appear to be hanging from yesterday's icicle free fountain. The pool is the color of blue you see when you're on a snow covered mountain and look into a crack in the snow.

The thing sticking up from the center of the snow-covered table is an umbrella in its down position.

If I had known it was doable, and not an iced over, impossible to walk on mess, I would have taken an icy dip this morning. Doesn't it looking inviting? One more pool picture and I'm done with today's look of the Arctic of the South.
You have either been away from Washington too long, or are sucking up to the natives. Go spend a couple of winter weeks in Winthrop and THEN come talk to me.
This was fun, albeit a faint taste of real winter. To celebrate, I drove out at lunchtime for the first time in months. So I didn't seem TOO foreign, I had BBQ.
Steve A---
It was one of my new year's resolutions to try and do a better job of sucking up to the natives. I don't believe I've seen Winthrop in winter. That would have been a long drive from the Skagit Valley, having to get to the east side via Stevens Pass with the North Cascade Highway closed.
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