Olive's last name is Young, due to her paternal parental unit being Don Young.
Olive wanted Don Young to tell you that the Brush Bash 2 is still on for Saturday, February 20.
Also on the Tandy Hills, that Saturday, there will be a Trout Lily Walk with Master Naturalist, Jeff Quayle.
Brush Bash 2's start time is 10am. Ending at 3pm, with lunch sometime between those extremes. You will want to bring work gloves, water, a can-do spirit. And lunch.
If you need more info about the Tandy Hills Natural Area Brush Bash 2 you can email Don Young or call 817.731.2787.
There will be two Trout Lily Walks with Jeff Quayle

Trout Lily Walk #1, like I already said, is the same Saturday as Brush Bash 2. You can Brush Bash for awhile and then take a break and do some Trout Lily Walking.
Trout Lily Walk #2 is scheduled for March 6.
Both Trout Lily Walks start at 10am and walk til 1pm.
Bring water, a camera and a notebook.
Contact Don Young for more info. Contact option above.
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