Monday, May 9, 2011

Drinking Water Comes From The Trinity River Basin So Jump On In The Great Trinity River

Apparently Fort Worth's White Knight went to Fort Worth's Mayfest on the Trinity River this past weekend where he saw the sign you see here.

The White Knight then put his picture of this sign on his Facebook page's "Wall" with the comment...

"BS fest at Mayfest. Seriously, encouraging people to swim in the Trinity Cesspool is cynical at best, downright dangerous at worst. Is there anything the TRWD won't do to promote their billion dollar heist?"

You reading this who do not live in this heavily polluted zone of the planet, TRWD is the initial way of saying Tarrant Regional Water District. TRWD is in cahoots with TRV, that being the Trinity River Vision, often referred to as the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle, to do what many believe to be serious damage to the Trinity River and the area it flows through, by taking down the current fault-free levees and replacing them with an un-needed flood diversion channel and a little pond known as the Kay Granger Puddle.

All in a massive billion dollar public works project, that is abusing the perfectly legitimate concept of eminent domain, that has never been approved of in a public vote and is actually a massive public works project to benefit private business.

The propaganda sign you see above was likely paid for by your tax dollars, along with all the other propaganda signage TRWD and TRV seem to like to be constantly foisting on the public in their ongoing ever more feeble attempt to justify what they are doing.

But, telling people to jump into the Trinity River because "Our river is great!"???

That is just grossly and grotesquely irresponsible.

Drinking water may come from the Trinity River Basin. Treated drinking water. But treated drinking water is not what is in the Trinity River as it flows through Fort Worth. The Trinity River has enough toxins and contaminants in it that fish caught in it are not safe to eat.

Alligators have been known to swim in the Trinity River.

Alligator gar swim in the Trinity River. Alligator gar are big fish with nasty sharp rows of teeth.

Snakes swim in the Trinity River.

Including J.D. Granger and his flotilla of Happy Hour Inner Tubers. I hope they've all had their tetanus shots.


Double Ugly said...

TRWD actually stands for Tarrant Regional Water District.

Durango said...

Thanks Double Ugly. I seem to be making mistakes like this TRWD one with a disturbing increase in frequency.

Anonymous said...

Do people seem to forget that someone recently drowned in the river:

In my opinion, the river is not safe to swim in and it is irresponsible to suggest that it is safe.

FW Gal said...

It's bad enough they have tubing happy hours, but to post a sign that says "just jump in" is crazy! Those dams they have built are extremely dangerous because they are very inviting and it's easy to think you could jump across where it splits in the middle, and fall in. In fact, it would be easy to just lose your balance and fall in. I can't believe there are no danger signs, railing, or life preservers near these parts of the river. I predicted this tragedy would happen and it's only a matter of time before it happens again. The TRVA/TRWD is just plain loony!