The Fort Worth Way: The Definition---
A city run by an Oligarchy controlled by a Good Ol' Boy and Girl Network, in cahoots with a propaganda purveyor, to the benefit of the Good Ol' Boy and Girl Network's cronies and themselves.
A good example of The Fort Worth Way occurred during the recent Tarrant Regional Water District Board elections.
Two fine, upstanding, good citizens of Fort Worth, John Basham and Adrian Murray, ran against the Good Ol' Boy and Girl Network's puppets, Marty Leonard and Jim Lane.
As it often does, the Good Ol' Boy and Girl Network's propaganda shill, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, worked as a purveyor of misinformation for the Ruling Oligarchy, to the benefit of the Leonard/Lane Cabal.
The Star-Telegram told you John Basham had filed personal bankruptcy. The disinformation purveyors told you that John Basham lost his house and was given property in Fort Worth, by Clyde Picht, so that John Basham could run for election to the Water Board.
What you did not get told was that John Basham was injured while on active duty. Yes. He was a soldier. A Combat Medic with the Army National Guard. Didn't read that in your local newspaper of mis-record, did you? He was hit with a severe spinal injury when coming to the rescue of a fellow soldier.
John Basham was treated in a military hospital. The Army did not pay his bills. John Basham was forced to file personal bankruptcy.
The local newspaper of record slandered and smeared John Basham, dishonoring an injured Veteran who had served his country at great sacrifice, giving John Basham absolutely no chance to respond to the misleading charges leveled by the corrupt opposition and its mouthpiece, the Star-Telegram.
The professional political hacks, employed by Marty Leonard and Jim Lane, slammed their smears into mailboxes across the district, knowing they could get away with it, knowing the propaganda shill, that being the Star-Telegram, would not counter their misinformation with the truth.
And now let's move on to the Good Ol' Boy and Girl Network's smear of Adrian Murray.
The Smear: A Marty Leonard/Jim Lane Dirty Tricks mailing stated "Murray moved here a few years ago, leaving behind a long list of County Tax Liens for unpaid taxes."
The Truth: Adrian Murray returned to Fort Worth in 1998 after spending 10 years in California. Murray was transferred to California in 1988 and returned to Fort Worth and Texas as soon as he could. In California, Adrian Murray bought a boat. When he moved back to Texas he moved his boat to Lake Eagle Mountain. A few years later Adrian Murray learned that California was still taxing his boat, despite it no longer being registered in California. He flew to California and took care of the matter. Clerical errors were admitted, with all liens being released as invalid.
Did you read any of that in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? No. You did not. Did the Fort Worth Star-Telegram know the truth? Yes. It did. Propaganda shills are not interested in the truth. They serve to further the interests of the Oligarchy, of which they are an integral part.
How did the Marty Leonard/Jim Lane Dirty Tricksters come to know about Adrian Murray's California woes? What sort of Black Bag operation were (are) they running?
The topper, to all this corruption, lying, deceit and Alice in Blunderland type black is white, white is black, up is down, down is up, wrongness, is, in the end, after the election, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram actually printed the Marty Leonard/Jim Lane campaign's assertion that Adrian Murray and John Basham had mislead the voters! Hence their loss!
Can we all say Raw Gall together? Just when I think my contempt for The Fort Worth Way can not sink any lower, lower it goes.
It perplexes me very much.
Mr. Murray should sue those who slandered him, demanding a retraction and maybe monetary damages.
How did they learn of this? 2 words - Bryan Eppstien. Since they couldnt find anything on these gentlemen, they made stuff up.
Thanks, Anonymous. I looked up Bryan Eppstein to learn "Bryan Eppstein is widely recognized as one of the best political minds on either side of the aisle in Texas. The Fort Worth consultant has concentrated on the Legislature and run hundreds of campaigns for House and Senate candidates, winning far more than he's lost."
Apparently he runs something called the Eppstein Group.
In an otherwise laudatory puff piece it also said "His methods are sometimes controversial - and he's not shy about picking a fight."
Picking a fight and, also, apparently, lying, smearing, slandering and basically running a dirty tricks operation.
If Murray/Basham weren't burdened by being men of integrity they might have used Eppstein Group tactics against their opponents, pointing out facts that some Fort Worth voters might find unsettling, what with their provincial mindsets.
Like the fact that Marty Leonard likes to wear comfortable shoes, has always worn comfortable shoes, and likes to hang out with others who always wear comfortable shoes. Not that there is anything wrong with wearing comfortable shoes, and wearing comfortable shoes is certainly nothing fair minded voters would see as a reason not to vote for someone, but, in the world the Eppstein Group operates in, that world has way too many people who might be influenced in a negative way by learning that a candidate, like Marty Leonard, always wears comfortable shoes.
Next time she is up for re-election, I suggest some attention be paid to Marty Leonard's comfortable shoes.
Check out who his clients are in addition to the Water Board (where he receives no bid contracts for his "good" work)...Long list, many Fort Worth City Council members, Mayor?, Granger...Things that make you go hmmm....
If my memory serves me the Star-Telegram also pulled a similar stunt 2-3 elections ago when they printed information about a strong "outsider" candidate for mayor by "outing him" a few days before the crucial election. The paper's role in the Carter Ave. gas pipeline scandal is pretty significant --but consistent with their moral integrity (forget about journalistic standards and integrity). The FW Weekly showed some signs of integrity consistent with a journalistic medium until some disturbing trends in recent months. Is this last point just my lone perception or have others noticed this as well?
Anonymous @ 9:41pm---I dunno about other's perceptions regarding FW Weekly, but a week or so ago I remarked to someone, regarding FW Weekly, that judging from the way FW's alternative paper seems to have gone silent on various issues one might think the cash strapped rag may have been co-opted by the local King of Co-Opting, Chesapeake Energy. I know if Chesapeake Energy offered me the right amount of money, I'd shut up.
Good to hear of your flexibility and patriotism, my defiant citizen of the Shale. Think of a number and let's take a hike together. Want some seats to the Oklahoma Herds or Cowboys game, too? Let's talk--SOON-ER, OK.
Thanks Aubrey, I eagerly await your offer in contractual form via registered mail.
Good grief Moncrief, the Smellygram is over and so are you. This is not a damned oilagarky and your letting the NWO Chemtrail the smart, good look'n folks (do'n the right thing)of Ft. Worth has made us mad as hell and we are going to retire you. We will then investigate you and the corrupt cronies who profited from our taxes.The CAFR ( Comprehensive Anual Financial Report) abuse will result in several being tried for their crimes.
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