I was erroneous, yesterday, in my assumption that the City of Fort Worth Roadbuilders had accessed the new road via the park's east entry by Tandy Tower. I'd assumed this due to seeing new wheel ruts leading down the south option at the intersection halfway down Mount Tandy.
So, it remains a mystery why trucks were going up and down that particular section. The crushed rock roadblock that I'd run into yesterday had been spread around on the new highway. I think. I may be making an erroneous assumption again.
I was chased be a pair of ankle biters today. Yapping little Terrier Terrorists. I had to alter my route to avoid a second encounter with the possibly rabid little monsters. I'd armed myself with a good whacking stick in the eventuality of another sneak attack.
It is an overcast day here, this Saturday in Fort Worth. 77 degrees at half past 3 in the afternoon. So, I have my windows open. I do not remember so many days when the windows could be open during times previous in my Texas exile.

Til I hear different I am calling this one the Pink Puffball Gold-Tipped Wildflower.
It reminded me of the ball that sits atop Reunion Tower in Dallas. The Reunion Tower ball puts on a light show at night. Well, it used to and I'm assuming it still does.
I am working on trying to not make so many erroneous assumptions.
I have received some suggestions as to where to find the mysterious volunteer attorney who calls himself Ed Fitzgerald. One said Ed Fitzgerald could probably be found at Oscar's Pub on Camp Bowie Boulevard in Fort Worth.
Another suggested that the correct name is Edmund Fitzgerald and that Edmund was currently busy with some matters in offshore Louisiana. I assume involving leaking oil. This person included a link to information about Edmund Fitzgerald that was not really all that helpful, due to the link being a list of Google search results about the Edmund Fitzgerald freighter that sank on Lake Superior back in the 1970s.
My therapist, Dr. L.C., has gone missing today. I assume she is off politicking. Elsie Hotpepper is hanging out at Oscar's Pub, hoping to find Ed Fitzgerald. Elsie will use just about any excuse to hang out in a pub.
After Googling around a bit, it appears to be a Mimosa Pudica, or "sensitive plant".
Plant ID: Sensitive Brier. Touch the leaves and watch them get sensitive.
As the "Anonymous" who attempted a snarky joke regarding energy companies that make messes using a reference to a sunken ship, let me apologize for humor gone bad.
The first place I would look for the mysterious Ed Fitzgerald is the court handling the case where Ed is "representing" Mr.Doeung. Even the most loosely ethical judge takes a dim view of anonymous lawyers and lawyer impersonators. Not to mention negligence/incompetence by "lawyers" who don't know how to make a simple phone call.
If the judge doesn't respond quickly, try the Texas and Oklahoma Bar Associations. They also take a dim view of the above.
Wait just a minute. Are you saying that's there are still EVEN MORE PIECES TO THIS SCANDAL? I have heard a few times from various people that CHK's legal team had somehow worked with the judge to get an attorney ad litem appointed very early on to represent Steve in this case without his knowledge/consent. I also know that Steve had contacted just about anyone who was or knew a lawyer willing to help him and his case as a good cause and for the sake of justice (vs. charging him the $200-300/hr. "lawyering around" kinda like what happened to ol' Billy Mitchell a few years earlier). HOWEVER, I'm surprised to hear that A LAWYER actually volunteered to help this poor guy. Unfortunately, from what I've pieced together about this alleged generous lawyer combined with all the many dirty tactics and lawyerly tricks throughout this case I CANNOT HELP BUT WONDER IF THIS LAWYER OF MYSTERY WAS ACTUALLY PART OF THE TOTAL DIRTY SCHEME TO ROB THIS GUY OF HIS PROPERTY RIGHTS AND LEGAL RIGHTS (as in the right to know what/who/how/when his destiny in the fight to protect his family and neighbors---due process?). The FW Weekly is probably working furiously at this very minute to expose this Chesapeakegate scandal, though. If not, this case sounds like the making of an Erin Brockavich type of story/book.
What the @#$% is going on here? This is still the U.S. of America, isn't it. How can this be allowed to happen, with plenty of public knowledge no less. The people of FW and the B.S. area either don't care or approve of the many well-documented anti-American activites in recent time. I'm more terrified and threatened by so called Americans than the Taliban and other foreign ENEMIES. My husband is putting his life on the line overseas for all this crap? Can't wait till he returns so we can transfer back to the United States to America.
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