Why Bother?
I'll feel like the bother was worth if it, or when, I get the feedback I'm looking for that indicates I have not been wasting my time. So far that feedback evidence has not arrived. I may be looking for it to soon.
Yes, I know I'm being cryptic, not being specific about what I've been wasting time on that has caused me this over-arching feeling of wondering why do I bother.
No, I did not take that "Why Bother?" picture when I went to church yesterday.

I think it has dried out enough that I can go search the Tandy Hills today and find the infamous Witchey Tree. And the rusted Death Van. I am hoping the hill hiking endorphin fix may break me out of this dire "Why Bother" mood I am being plagued with at the present moment.
Are you saying you actuallt went to church on Sunday but did not take this picture then? Or are you saying that you just took this picture some time other than Sunday--and you did not go to church on Sunday either? I'm a little confused by the sign as well. Is the church asking the public a rhetorical (and maybe thought-provoking) question? Or maybe the pastor is feeling the same way you feel (at least about "church" anyway) and is posting his feeling and emotional anguish for God and all creation to see? It could also be a message from a member, esp. a choir member, who is tired of hearing the same sermon three times in one morning. I'd feel that way if I had to get up every Sunday knowing that my whole morning would be a mini-Groundhog Day (the movie, that is). Shoot, I might even have to be out of town every other Sunday on "mission trips" to Durango, Texas way. Will I see you down there soon, Brother? It would be worth the bother--know what I mean? Plus it would get your mind off trying to find my chick mobile on Tandy Hill--Your pal Billy Hill.
Mr. Hill---
I guess my verbiage was a tad confusing. I was trying to say that I did not take that picture when I went to church, but I was not indicating I'd been to church. I did not actually take that picture. I found it by Googling for "why bother."
Good questions regarding what the sign is meaning. I have no idea.
I have only been to the Texas town named after me one time. So, I don't think you'll be seeing me down there any time soon.
I thought you died a few years after you recklessly managed get kill your girl friend?
Oh Mr. Durango, the hills hold many secrets. And The Hills Have Eyes, too. Did ya watch the classic movies for this time of year like the Hitchcock "Psycho" and its kin "Deliverance"? You can learn a lot about me and my kin from them shows. BTB (that's by the by), that story was actually wreck-full and my girld-friend is still as young as she was then. She's winking at me--gotta go!! BH
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