Monday, March 17, 2008

Foul Mood and Thunder

I'm in a foul mood. Have been up since before 5am. It is being stormy in more ways than one this day in Texas, thunder is supposed to arrive soon. I thought maybe some endorphin medication might help rid me of my foul mood so I went on a long hike at Tandy Hills Park. That did not work. I'm pretty sure I was aerobic enough to cause endorphins to be released, but apparently not in an amount sufficient to make me feel better.

Why have I put this DIGG thing on each of these bloggings? Someone somewhere told me this was a good thing to do. But I don't know why. I asked Lulu if she knew. She didn't. She's getting "Blogging for Dummies" so that we/I might have some help at solving these riddles.

On my way to Tandy Hills Park I saw a bizarre billboard that said "I'm So Over You Sarah Marshall". In small print there was a website address, as in I looked at the website. I've no idea what to make of it. I mentioned the billboard to a deluded self-proclaimed marketing guru I have the misfortune of knowing and he told me he's seen the "I'm So Over Sarah Marshall" billboards all over the Metroplex.

On a totally different subject, the weekly column by Joseph Galloway was in this morning's Star-Telegram. He writes about military matters. He is very very aghast at the incompetence of our current president. Pretty much that's what all his columns are about in one way or the other. Today's first paragraph made note of the fact that this month marks the start of the 6th year of the War in Iraq. It is now the second most costly war in U.S. history, second to only WWII. United States participation in WWII ran from 1942 til August of 1945 (the U.S. declaration of war came after Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, but the offensive towards victory did not begin til 1942).

Galloway ended today's column with an interesting thought, saying "The next time we Americans start thinking about electing someone with no known talent and limited useful experience, what say we just leave the presidency vacant and the White House shuttered for eight years or so?"

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