Some areas of the D/FW Metroplex must have had a lot more snow/hail than I saw, because this morning while driving in Arlington I saw several cars with about 4 inches of white stuff on them. And others with lesser amounts.
Texas Primary Election officials have now let it be known that they are very nervous about what is going to happen tonight. Their worries are the same I mentioned yesterday, as in too many people in too small of spaces with too little parking to handle those who return for part 2 of the Texas Two Step, that being the caucus. They are also afraid that the voting may go on well past 7 due to the requirement allowing anyone in line the right to vote, as long as they are in line before the 7 o'clock poll closing time.
The caucus can not begin until the last voter has voted. Where the caucusers are supposed to wait I have no idea. I may just go check out the spectacle. And then bail. Unless it seems interesting.
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