Friday, October 18, 2024

Remembering Nervous Linda Lou Driving To South Mountain Summit

It took me a moment or two or three to remember what this Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day was.

The memory did happen in October. The precise day, I do not remember. Oh, wait a second, I can find out the exact date via looking at my blog. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018.

That photo at the top was taken at the South Mountain summit. You can read all about it in Miss Daisy Drives Nervous Linda Lou To South Mountain Summit.

South Mountain is an extremely large Phoenix city park. An Indian Reservation, I think Apache, is a short distance south of South Mountain.

When we got to the summit of South Mountain parking lot we saw an unexpected scene, part of which you see in the first photo. Multiple Native Americans, likely Apache, selling their handicraft trinkets. 

Linda Lou was in the process of buying some of those cool-looking handicraft trinkets when the Native Americans went into a sort of panic mode. Apparently, the city of Phoenix Park Department objected to Natives selling their wares at this location. 

The Indians had a spotter, lower down the mountain, who called when law enforcement was spotted heading up the mountain. So, the Indians quickly packed up their goods and basically joined us tourists, who were all sympathetic to the Indians, who we all thought were totally harmless marketing their wares at this location.

It really was totally off-putting. Phoenix should instead install a kiosk of some sort, for the Indians to sell their stuff to the eager to buy tourists.

The entry to the Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, also in Arizona, has multiple kiosks, dozens of them, with Navajo selling stuff they'd made. I bought several things and enjoyed talking to various Navajo, who really do live up to their Beautiful People nickname.

Anyway, hard to believe it has been six years since I drove to the summit of South Mountain, with Linda Lou, my mom, and Big Ed...

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