Showing posts with label Heart of Dallas Bowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart of Dallas Bowl. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Washington Comes To Snowy Sun Bowl & Stormy Heart Of Dallas Bowl

I saw that which you see above this morning in the online version of the Seattle Times.

Yesterday Spencer Jack's dad, my Favorite Nephew Jason, text messaged me asking....

Are you going to the Big Game today?

To which I replied that since I knew of no Big Game the answer to the question is no. And then asked where the Big Game was.

To which FNJ replied....

The Big Game is the Heart of Dallas Bowl with the UW Huskies.

So, it was that Cotton Bowl game that puzzled me weeks ago when I first heard of it, wondering why the UW Huskies would be playing in such a game. I texted my puzzlement to which FNJ replied....

The Cougars also played in Texas yesterday. It snowed where they played. Kinda bizarre that two WA football teams both travel to Texas to play in bowl games.

The Cougars are the Washington State Cougars. WSU and the UW play a game every year called the Apple Bowl. I did not think either team had themselves a good season, so why are they invited to bowl games in Texas? I did not know where the Cougars got snow bowled, so I asked FNJ if the bowl was in Amarillo, to which he replied....

El Paso.

The Sun Bowl in El Paso, where it snowed? I think that is known as ironic.

Did a lot of Washingtonians make the trek to Texas for these bowl games? I can't imagine doing so. I saw no mention made of either game in my local Texas online news sources.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Why Are The University of Washington Huskies In A Heart of Dallas Bowl?

I saw that which you see here this morning via the online version of the Seattle Times. The headline and that which appears below the headline confuse me.

Huskies to play Southern Miss in Heart of Dallas Bowl

The Huskies will make their sixth consecutive bowl appearance against Southern Miss on Dec. 26. The matchup at the Cotton Bowl is an intriguing one.

I don't pay all that much attention to football of any sort, but it sort of surprises me that I was unaware, that, apparently, the Huskies have made six bowl appearances against Southern Miss in a row.

I don't know why the current matchup is an intriguing one. Is it because the game is being played in the Cotton Bowl in a bowl game named the Heart of Dallas Bowl?

I thought the Cotton Bowl was played in the Cotton Bowl?

I remember the first time I visited Fair Park in Dallas and saw the Cotton Bowl. It was wide open so I was able to walk right out on to the field. I was surprised at how small and barebones the renowned Cotton Bowl was. I understand it has been much refurbished since I last walked on the field.

The last time I was at the Cotton Bowl was in January of 2009, with my mom and dad. Below is photo documentation, with mom and dad in their ubiquitous cowboy hats, mirrored behind them above the Cotton Bowl entry.

The Heart of Dallas Bowl takes place the day after Christmas. When does the storied Cotton Bowl take place?

And why are the UW Huskies playing in the Cotton Bowl in something called the Heart of Dallas Bowl? I asked a fellow former Pacific Northwesterner and the reply was that the Huskies are Bowl Sluts, that they will play in any bowl they get invited to.

I remember when it used to be a big deal when the UW Huskies played in a bowl game, way back when the only bowl game they could play in was the Rose Bowl, back when the Rose Bowl meant something and did not have goofy modifiers attached to its name, like the Cheesy Doritos Rose Bowl, or the In and Out Burger Rose Bowl.

So much seems to have gone so wrong in America, with this advertising attachments to Football Bowls just one more symptom.

How come the Heart of Dallas Bowl has no advertising modifier? Like the, I dunno, the Whataburger Heart of Dallas Bowl. Or the General Motors Heart of Dallas Bowl. Or some such other thing.

And why is this called the Heart of Dallas Bowl when the Cotton Bowl is a distance to the south and east of the Heart of Dallas?

One thing I know for absolute certainty, I will not be watching the UW Huskies win or lose the Heart of Dallas Bowl in the Cotton Bowl, in person, or on TV.....