Thursday, March 20, 2025

Lucy Park Spring Sprung Green Vernal Equinox Nature Communing

The Big Blow which began hurricaning last week, with one short break being like the eye of a hurricane, finally quit blowing today, the day known as Thursday, the third such day of the third month of 2025.

So, after seeing my drug dealer to pick up some prescribed pharmaceuticals, I ventured on to nearby Lucy Park for some wind-free, dust-free, smoke-free, semi-warm nature communing.

Since my last Lucy Park visit, a week ago, give or take a day, the dominant color is no longer brown.

Green is taking over. On the ground, and in the trees, with some trees beginning to sprout leaves.

Seeing all this green had me wondering when Spring gets sprung, this year.

So, back at my computer I Googled "when does Spring begin in Wichita Falls Texas" and got the following information...

Spring officially begins near Wichita Falls, TX on March 20th, 2025 with the vernal equinox, marking the start of the season. 

Time: Spring begins at 4:01 a.m. Central Time (CT). 

So, that was one nice Spring walk around the increasingly green Lucy Park backwoods jungle today...

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