Showing posts with label Super Bowl Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super Bowl Party. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I Did Not Ride A Recumbent Bike With The Village Creek Indian Ghosts Today Before The Super Bowl

No, that is not me on a recumbent bike.

All sorts of things slowed me up this 1st Sunday of the 2nd month of 2013.

So, I exited my abode intending to skip my regular salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation acquired via walking, running, hiking or biking and instead just go to Walmart to get some Super Bowl Party supplies.

Including an air bed.

But, when I exited my abode, and was hit with a very good feeling outer world, I decided to go for a walk with the Indian Ghosts who haunt the Village Creek Natural Historical Area in Arlington, before going to Walmart.

I saw six recumbent bikers biking with the Indian Ghosts today. I have never understood the attraction of recumbent biking.

Among the things that slowed me up today was getting caught up in an instant message texting frenzy with Frita Fremont. Frita was doing her frenzied instant messaging from Seattle, but I do not know if Frita Fremont was at the Fremont Sunday Market at the time.

Frita claimed I was acting all outraged in text message mode. Something to do with using a lot of exclamation points. All I was exclaiming was my bewilderment as to why Frita was inquiring about very very personal information, such as asking me what my shoe size is.

I do not believe I have ever asked anyone what their shoe size is. Or had anyone ask me mine. I shuddered at the impertinence, alarmed as to what followup questions would be asked if I allowed this particular line of questioning to continue.

Changing the subject from my mysterious shoe size to Walmart.

The store was a zoo. I suspect I was not the only one getting last minute Super Bowl Party supplies.

My Super Bowl Party menu is sweet potato chips, oven-fried chicken breast strips, coated with my proprietary whole wheat coating with 7 secret spices, oven-roasted garlic, olive oil red spuds, guacamole with cranberry, raspberry and pomegranate juice Sangria being the healthy libation.

I must figure out how to blow up an air bed now....

Friday, February 3, 2012

The First Friday Of February Is Jalapeno HOT In Texas In More Ways Than One

Currently, coming up on 4 in the afternoon, the sun is shining through thinning clouds. It is humid. 71 degree. I have my windows open.

This time last year I was fighting frostbite.

In the noon time frame I took off, heading to the Village Creek Natural Historical Area, to get my daily endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation. And then on to ALDI to get Super Bowl Party supplies.

By the time I reached Village Creek precipitation was precipitating. So, I bailed on getting any endorphins and continued on to ALDI.

When I returned to my abode I made lunch and then after lunch I made what currently appears to have been a mistake.

I am making a HUGE batch of chili for my Super Bowl Party. 15 pounds of ground beef product, currently slow cooking in the oven.

I chopped up 9 jalapenos and 2 poblano peppers to add to the chili beef product while it slow cooked.

I was careful to rigorously scrub my hands with soap and water after chopping up the jalapenos. Usually this removes the Capsicum, which causes the burning.

But not today.

My right hand, the one that holds the jalapenos while my left hand cuts them up, is burning. A momentary lapse had me touching my right eye zone with my right hand, causing more burning.

I need not detail all the locations that are currently on fire. Suffice to say, I must find another means to chop up multiple jalapenos in the future.

I understand there is a product called a kitchen glove that might be useful.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Up Late On The Last Saturday Of January In A Dark Mood Waiting For An Invitation To A Super Bowl Party

Somehow my digital mood capturing device accurately recorded my dark mood when I looked out my viewing portal this morning at the blue sky dawn of the final Saturday of the first month of the new year of 2011.

Apparently, if I am understanding correctly, today pretty much kicks off Super Bowl Week here in my zone of Texas.

In the coming week there are BIG parties all over the D/FW Metroplex.

Mark Cuban is hosting, along with HDnet, a Super Bowl XLV party at Victory Park the day before the Super Bowl. This party is only open to those who receive an invitation. I have not received mine yet.

Pamela Anderson is hosting a party called the Dallas Super Bash 2011 at the Fashion Industry Gallery in downtown Dallas. There will be some Playboy Playmates on view. I do not know what the Playmates degree of clothing will be. Tickets are only $500 if pre-bought, $750 at the door.

Apparently, Playboy and Maxim magazines are known for hosting the best Super Bowl parties. Totally separate from the Pamela Anderson party the Playboy party will be on Friday the 4th at the Aloft Hotel in downtown Dallas. The day after that Maxim will have its party at Centennial Hall at Fair Park in Dallas.

Sports Illustrated is also having a B4 party at Fair Park, in the Tower Building, on Friday, the 4th, with the Super Bowl halftime performers, the Black Eyed Peas, being the hosts.

At the same time the Black Eyed Peas are busy at Fair Park, the singer known as Prince will be singing at an event called The Event, at the location formerly occupied by Reunion Arena.

Meanwhile, in Fort Worth, ESPN's The Next Bash is a private, by invitation only party at River Ranch on the north side of the Fort Worth Stockyards. I don't know what day The Next Bash takes place. I do know I have not been invited.

Also in The Stockyards, at Billy Bobs's Texas, Coors Light is throwing its annual Super Bowl Party. It is on Friday, the 4th. It is also an invitation only event to which I have not been invited. Blake Shelton will be singing to the invitees.

So many parties. What is a Party Animal like me to do?

Probably just stay home and brood in my dark mood. Waiting for an invitation.