Thursday, July 7, 2022

Humid Hot 106 In Wichita Falls

The above is a screenshot from my phone taken at 1:22 PM on this first Thursday of the 2022 version of July. 102 degrees, with the humidity making it feel like 106.

I did my salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic speed walking in extremely cool air-conditioned Walmart this morning.

All my previous HOT seasons in Texas I do not remember any previous HOT season coming close to this day after day after day over 100, with the 100 degree days beginning before the arrival of summer.

I sort of regret not making plans to be in the Pacific Northwest this summer.

My last time spending a whole month in Washington was from July 23 to August 23 in 2008. That trip, when I flew Southwest out of Love Field in Dallas, the temperature was over 100. I arrived at Sea-Tac with the temperature barely over 50.

I felt cold that entire month in Washington. I whined about it so much my sister bought me a coat at Costco, which I still have. It's a nice coat.

I remember my first night in Tacoma, in the basement bedroom, I was so cold in the middle of the night I got up and searched for more blankets.

After a few days of shivering in the basement I asked if it were at all possible for me to move to the top floor, which was not used as a bedroom at that point in time.

A top floor which I had discovered was pleasantly warm.

Permission was granted, and a bed was installed. The shivering quit being so chronic...

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