I almost lost something valuable, to me, today, returning books to the library.
I almost forgot to retrieve that which I use as a bookmark, before sliding the book into the "RETURN" slot.
My bookmark is getting a bit threadbare. It has been in use since early on in the time of COVID.
I do not remember the reason, Birthday, Christmas, Halloween, or what, but an envelope arrived in my mailbox. And in that envelope, among whatever else was in that envelope, there was a note from my Favorite Nephew Theo, also known as my Favorite Theo Nephew.
The note said...
When COVID 19
is over I want
you to come
over to build
a sand castle
Just a sec, I shall go find a photo which shows why Theo was thinking of sandcastle building with his Favorite Uncle.
In August of 2017 I spent several days at Birch Bay with Theo, his big brother, David, twin sister Ruby, parental units, Michele and Kristen, and Theo, David and Ruby's other favorite uncle, my little brother, Jake.
On one of those days at Birch Bay, when the tide was low, exposing a lot of sand, Theo, Ruby and I had a mighty fine time building a sandcastle.
In the photo documentation above, Theo has not yet given up in the battle to stop the incoming tide from breeching the castle's walls.
The next morning, I discovered the elevator, accessed near the door to the rooms we were staying in, went up a few flights, to a rooftop deck, with a view. I elevatored back to get Theo to take him to the view from the rooftop deck.
From whence the remains of our sandcastle could be seen, in the center of the sandbar, to the left of Theo.
Now, just looking at this photo of Theo, you can tell this is one fun kid.
Hard to believe it has been 8 years since I have been in Washington. Since COVID I have only been out of Texas once. And that was just to go across the border to Oklahoma.
Time flies by way too fast.
Just yesterday something caused me to calculate how old my Jason nephew is. The last time Jason and Spencer Jack went to Disneyland, Jason told me he now gets why I said it wore me out the last time I did Disneyland.
Yesterday I figured out Jason is now five years older than I was the last time I did Disneyland, Christmas Day of 1995. I stayed til Disneyland closed that Christmas Day. It was fun, but exhausting, even with a mid-day break back at the motel...
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