Saturday, February 8, 2025

Sikes Lake Windy Nature Communing Way Colder Than Predicted

Above you are looking at the Brownish-Blue lagoon of Sikes Lake.

With the temperature predicted to be 71 degrees, with zero wind making those 71 degrees feel warmer, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured on this second Saturday of the second month of 2025, hoping for some pleasant nature communing.


Upon arrival at Sikes Lake, an hour before noon, the temperature was 56 degrees, via the way Fahrenheit measures the temperature. And that zero wind was gusting at speeds around 36 mph, according to the updated weather info provided by my phone.

I do not remember when I last felt so totally chilled as I did today. That and feeling the need to hold onto my hat lest it get blown away.

One gust, which had to be well over 36 mph, almost knocked me over, causing me to stumble, almost losing my balance.

I knew a cold front was scheduled to arrive.


Not today.

Today's big chill, with super gusting winds, was totally unexpected, due to being unpredicted.

I think I shall forego going for an outer world nature commune tomorrow, with Sunday predicted to get to only 46 degrees, for the high, again via that Fahrenheit measuring method. I suspect, what with today being way colder than expected, the same will happen tomorrow.

I just hope we are not heading to an unpredicted sub-zero deep freeze, such as what happened in Texas a couple Februarys ago...

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