Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Morning Wichita Bluff Nature Area Nature Communing

With the temperature in the 70s, and the humidity low, with a slight breezing blowing, it was back to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area I ventured on this second Monday of September for some salubrious hilly hiking and nature communing.

In the photo documentation you are at the highest point on the bluffs, looking towards the northwest, with two swinging benches available for your sitting needs.

I had no need to sit, and so continued on.

The temperature being way below 100 degrees, after so many weeks of sweltering, seems way more noticeable than previous times when the cooler time of the year arrives.

Last night the A/C had no reason to turn itself on. The ceiling fan above my bed was not spinning.

By about 3 in the morning, it was chilly enough that I contemplated getting off the bed and finding a blanket. But, I did not do so, but will do so before bedtime arrives tonight...

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