Thursday, September 5, 2024

David, Theo & Ruby Caught By Giant Wooden Troll On Bainbridge Island Before Escaping To Poulsbo's Little Norway

 Incoming email from Tacoma, with the subject line of "Where in the PNW?".

Text in the email containing not much of a clue...

"Two different, but geographically close, locations."

Well, there is currently a thing in the Pacific Northwest, Washington, specifically, were large wooden trolls take up residence at various locations in the Puget Sound zone.

I think the troll which has David, Theo and Ruby it its grasp is known at Pia the Peacekeeper.

Pia resides on Bainbridge Island. 

The second photo I can only guess at, with the geographically close clue being all I have to go on.

Bainbridge Island is accessed via ferry, from Seattle. I do not remember if one can drive onto Bainbridge Island from the Olympic Peninsula side, via a bridge, or if the Vashon Island ferry in Tacoma is a route to a bridge, or other ferry to Bainbridge Island.

So, I am guessing this pirate ship mural in front of which Ruby, Theo and David are standing, is located near, or at, the Bainbridge Island ferry terminal.

No, upon further reflection, I think where the Tacoma Trio is standing is the town of Poulsbo, in the section of that town known as Little Norway.

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