Thursday, September 19, 2024

Enjoying Hot Wind & Rogue Waves On Lake Wichita

After a superfast oil replacement at Kyle's Quick Change on Old Jacksboro Highway, I headed west to Lake Wichita for some super HOT windy walking at the Lake Wichita dam location.

The strong wind made today's 100 degree HOT heat almost easy to tolerate.

I do not recollect being at this location previously with so much strong gusting happening.

In the photo documentation, with Mount Wichita looming above the lake in the distance, we are standing on Lake Wichita's floating dock, accessed by a metal bridge.

I was enjoying the wave action, gently rocking the dock.

And then suddenly, what must have been what amounted to a rogue wave, hit the dock, spewing spray, and rocking the dock way too rambunctiously. I almost toppled over against the railing.

Lake Wichita in its current condition looks inviting to swim in. I have never seen anyone swimming in this lake. There are no signs telling people not to swim in the lake. Maybe the lake is too shallow, with the lake bottom too muddy to make getting wet in Lake Wichita something someone might want to do.

Now that you've got me thinking about it, I do remember seeing people getting wet in Lake Wichita at the Mount Wichita location on the lake. Not swimming, but wading out into the lake.

I do not think one would want to be wading barefoot in this lake, what with the lake bottom contents being a total mystery...

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