Thursday, July 4, 2024

2024 Wichita Falls 4th Of July Parade

Woke up early this 4th of July morning and decided, even though the outer world is being a tad warm, the shade of downtown Wichita Falls would be pleasant enough for parade viewing. That and a steady cooling wind was blowing.

Arrived at the parade location about 10 minutes prior to the start of the parade, to see the parade viewing crowd was way smaller than previous years.

The parade came into view right on time, at 9 o'clock.

The airmen carrying the flags of the NATO countries training at Sheppard Air Force base were at the head of the parade, followed by troops not carrying flags, but chanting some sort of marching rhythm. 

The driver of the pickup on which this young lady sat on the tailgate, shouted to the crowd, "She is in the Olympics!".

I do not know this young lady's Olympics story, but, she was followed by the float you see with gold lettering spelling out, "GO FOR GOLD".

It would seem this Sasquatch waving a flag would overheat by the end of the parade.

This was the most motorized of the Wichita Falls 4th of July Parades I have experienced. So many vintage firetrucks, vintage cars, futuristic cars and motorcycle gangs, part of which you see above.

One of many floats being trucked through the parade. 

As was the case with previous Wichita Falls 4th of July Parades, candy in copious amounts was tossed to the parade viewers. But, due to the number of viewers being smaller than previous years, a surplus of candy soon built up on the street.

Here we are near the end of the parade. Those spots you see on the pavement are some of the aforementioned candy tossed in copious amounts.

All things considered, another enjoyable Wichita Falls 4th of July Parade.

I do not understand why more people do not show up to enjoy it. It is so easy to park in downtown Wichita Falls. Not a congested nightmare such as was the case when finding a place to park to view the excellent 4th of July Parade in Arlington, Texas.

Next year's 4th of July Parade may, hopefully, draw a big crowd, celebrating the successful salvation of America's democracy...

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hot Wichita Falls 4th Of July Tomorrow Followed By Big Chill

104 on the day before the 4th.

104 on the 4th.

And then a cold front arrives the day after the 4th, with the Big Chill shivering us down into the 80s.
I am looking forward to this break from the extreme HEAT.

I think my air conditioner would like a break, as well.

I have not been to the Wichita Falls 4th of July Parade since before COVID.

It is a fun parade, starting tomorrow at 9 in the morning. 

One can find shade along the parade route, courtesy of tall buildings blocking the sun.


Currently I do not much feel like being patriotic at a 4th of July Parade, all things considered.

The local military, from Shepperd Air Force Base, takes part in this parade, in the form of a marching band and marching airmen representing each of the Nato nations training at Shepperd, carrying the flags of the various nations.

Driving to ALDI this morning I saw the red, white and blue is already out in large numbers, in front of many houses. 

I'll be making the traditional 4th of July feast of spaghetti...

Monday, July 1, 2024

First Day Of July Hot Walk In Lucy Park Humid Jungle

With humidity making the temperature of a degree under 100 feel like several degrees above 100, on this first day of July I made my way to Lucy Park jungle for the first time in about a week.

I was beginning to feel the detrimental effects of the lack of endorphins due to cutting back my outdoor activities due to my semi aversion to extreme heat.

As you can see, via the look at the Lucy Park suspension bridge over the Wichita River, the river is running inexplicably high. Why? I do not know.

Rain has not fallen in several days.

Unlike what I was used to in Washington, high temperatures in Texas do not melt any mountain snowpacks due to the fact there are no mountains in Texas with snowpacks.

I'd read a couple days ago that the Wichita River was running high, flooding parts of the Wee-Chi-Tah mountain bike trail which runs alongside the river. That information about the flooded trail, documented with a photo, made no mention of what was causing the river to be in flood mode.

I read today that the 4th of July is predicted to get heated to 105 degrees. I was thinking going to the 4th of July Parade, downtown, would be fun, since I have not done so since pre-COVID. The Wichita Falls 4th of July Parade is a fun one.

I have not yet decided if I enjoyed being out in the steamy sauna today. I do feel a bit more upbeat, due to, I assume, the endorphins acquired. 

Later in this first week of the 2024 version of July the temperature is predicted to be well under 100 degrees for several days. I look forward to being chilled....

My July Calendar Takes Me To Guadalupe Mountains National Park In Texas & Yosemite

This year's wall calendar's theme is America's National Parks. I have been to many of America's National Parks, but not to the one for July, which I first saw this morning after flipping the calendar to the new month.

Guadalupe Mountains National Park.

I have driven by this National Park a time or two, but have never entered the park.

Texas only has two National Parks, Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Big Bend National Park.

I have visited neither. Would like to experience Big Bend National Park. Guadalupe Mountains, not so much.

June's National Park was Yosemite National Park, in California. Seeing Yosemite on my wall every day last month had me regularly lamenting whether or not I would ever see Yosemite again during the years I have remaining on the planet.

My first time to Yosemite National Park was an October day way back in the 1970s. I was not impressed. The foliage had all gone brown. The waterfalls all dried up. The visit only lasted a couple hours.

And then, back in May of 1993, myself and three friends rented a Cadillac to drive on a long road trip, the highlight of which was staying a few days at Camp Curry in Yosemite National Park.

The second day in Yosemite was May 20, 1993. How do I know the date so precisely? Well, on that second day in Yosemite we went to the restaurant/bar/outdoor patio area of Camp Curry. The bar zone was packed full, due to people watching the series finale of the Cheers sit-com on that date in May of 1993.

We arrived at Yosemite, the night before, after dark. Got checked in, warned about bears, given wool blankets due to the cold temperature. All night long I heard a strange roaring noise. In the morning I opened the tent cabin door to see a big waterfall a short distance away, falling water in copious amounts.

That was to be the first of many waterfalls falling a lot of water, including the iconic Yosemite Falls. Some of the waterfalls you could not get too close to due to the volume of water creating such a thick spray of water.

We did a lot of hiking those few days in Yosemite. I would love to go back there, one more time. Also, to Bryce Canyon, Zion Canyon, Arches, Canyonlands, Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Parks...