Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Being Cautious About Wildlife Walking Around Steamy Lake Wichita Sauna

With the temperature two degrees shy of 90, with no wind and the high humidity making that temperature really feel like 93, it was to Lake Wichita Park I ventured today for some endorphin acquisition in a natural steamy sauna.

I saw no one climbing to the summit of Mount Wichita today. I think if I attempted such I would likely faint upon reaching the summit.

That sign advising the use of caution due to this being a wildlife area has been added since last I was at this location.

What wildlife? I could not help but wonder. Wildlife of the wild sort wild enough that one needs to be cautious" I have seen a deer or two in the vicinity, in the past. I've seen no snakes, armadillos or alligators.

As you can see, it is an almost totally clear blue sky above Mount Wichita. Then I turned around to take a photo looking the opposite direction, across Lake Wichita.

Where did the blue sky go? I see some little clouds, but no bright blue sky. Due to that aforementioned lack of wind, Lake Wichita is being dead calm, with a mirror-like smoothness and reflectivity.

I am ready for summer to be over with...

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