Friday, November 11, 2011

An Eye Witness To J.D. Granger Landscaping His Yard

Twice today a blogging from way back on October 27 has come back to haunt me.

The first haunting was Bud Kennedy confirming, via Twitter, that he did, indeed, skid into the Trinity River, way back in 1971.

That October 27 blogging was generated due to incoming info from my favorite tipster named Beale.

Most of Beale's tipstering in that particular instance of tipstering had to do with alleged similarities between Trinity River Vision/Tarrant Regional Water District buildings and landscaping and J.D. Granger's remodeling and landscaping at his house.

In response to what Beale had to say I said, among other things...

Today Beale is telling me that the similarities between the J.D. house and the TRWD Annex near Northside Drive are even more striking than the resemblance to Tim Love's Woodshed. What can we conclude from this? I really don't know.

Well, clearly what was being insinuated was that some nefarious shenanigans had occurred. The evidence seemed rather slim, to me.

And then today I heard, via a comment to the October 27 blogging, from J.D. Granger's neighbor, who watched as J.D. landscaped and remodeled.

Below is the comment from J.D.'s neighbor....

Brad Reid has left a new comment on your post "Who Thinks The Texas State Attorney General Should...": 

Just to set a few things straight, I just sold my home next door to J.D.'s home last May (I built it in 2004/5) and J.D. and his wife bought the old home there several years later at an auction. The Grangers then remodeled the home using a remodeler whom had done a lot of work for various folks at the D.A.'s office, as I recall, where J.D. once worked. Anyway, the extensive work done at Granger's home was done years before this Trinity River facility was built . . . and by a different contractor. 

Second, I personally watched J.D. landscape his yard, and actually made the recommendation as to the sort of landscaping ornamental grass to employ (Miscanthus Sinensis) in his landscape, other plants too, and I know he bought it from a retail establishment, and planted it himself. I saw him. If someone is suggesting that he received the plants and the landscaping for free, they'd be very wrong. 

Finally, I never saw ANY evidence that J.D. used any labor directed from the river project, any materials, plants, etc. On the contrary, what I saw was a dude who spent countless hours terracing his own backyward . . . often with a friend. You can dislike J.D., that's okay, but he was one heck of a good neighbor, so was Martha, with great kids.

My take! Brad Reid

Methinks Brad makes a compelling case.

And then after reading Brad's comment someone calling him or herself Who? commented...

Who? has left a new comment on your post "Confirmed By Bud Kennedy: A Woman Rescued Him Afte...":

The same Brad Reid from the Trinity River Advisory committee? The same one that owns a local contracting business??

I have no idea what Who? is implying.

1 comment:

  1. No, I am Brad Reid, age 59 and a Certified Financial Planner by occupation. I have nothing to do with any Trinity River Advisory Committee, never have. I guess I was vaguely aware of someone else with the same name but have never met him.

    Again, I have no issues with anyone else's like or dislike of J.D., just setting the record straight because some seem to be implying that perhaps his remodeling and landscaping efforts overlap with official business.

    I just can't imagine a guy out in his own yard over months of time wrestling railroad ties into place down a steep slope if he could have had someone else do it or pay for it. Some of those railroad ties, he bought from me, several extra left over from my own project. I hired someone to place mine.

    Anyway, chase another rabbit; this one goes nowhere. He was a good neighbor and hard working around his property. Brad
