Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Morning Of The 2nd Saturday Of November Pondering Tearing Down The Walls Of Fort Chesapeake

The Western Wall Of Fort Chesapeake
No, that is not the view from one of my viewing portals on the outer world on this 2nd Saturday morning of the next to last month of 2011.

What you are looking at in the picture is the walls of Fort Chesapeake as viewed last night from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony.

Why is such a thing allowed? Eyesore is too polite a word for it.

If a homeowner decided to put a fence that tall around his house I think, even in Fort Worth, city ordinance enforcers would issue some sort of citation insisting the wall come down.

Mr. McClendon, tear down this wall. I want my view east restored.

Changing the subject from Fort Chesapeake to the temperature.

It is currently heated to 52 degrees in the outer world in my vicinity, shortly after the sun has arrived to begin its daily heating duties.

I think another hike on the Tandy Hills is in my future today. But, before that happens I am going for a morning swim in a pool that will be warmer than it was yesterday morning.

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