Saturday, November 12, 2011

A 73 Degree Day In November With The Tandy Hills Not Teeming With Texas Hikers

Fall Color On The Tandy Hills
It was another perfect conditions day on the Tandy Hills today.

Even though there are still some wildflowers coloring up the hills, the primary coloring this time of year is being provided by leaves that are no longer green.

Perfect conditions and yet I saw only one other human on this humongous natural area that is at the center of a city of over 700,000 mostly over weight people.


If you were able to plop the Tandy Hills down in the center of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles or Vancouver, B.C., you'd find those plopped down hills teeming with humans on a beautiful 73 degree day in November, like we are currently enjoying at my location on this parched part of the planet.

This morning I stayed in the pool long enough to cause my first shivering reaction of this colder part of the year. I find out of control shivering to be an interesting phenomenon.

Shivering is a perfectly natural reaction to getting cold. The shivering/twitching is Mother Nature's way of vibrating the muscles, warming the cold core. But it sure was a challenge trying to type til the shaking subsided.

I must go feed a cat now.

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