Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Afternoon View From Miss Puerto Rico's Balcony Of The West Wall Of Fort Chesapeake

Saturday Afternoon Look At Fort Chesapeake
This morning for my requisite first thing in the morning blogging, rather than use a picture of the current view from one of my viewing portals on the world, I used a picture taken last night of the dark view of the West Wall of Fort Chesapeake from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony.

And now it is late in the afternoon of the 2nd Saturday of the next to last month of 2011, so I'm showing you what the daytime view of the West Wall of Fort Chesapeake looks like from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony.

We are looking east in the picture, towards Dallas, which is now blocked from view, by Aubrey McClendon and his cohorts in mayhem.

The daylight view of the West Wall of Fort Chesapeake looks sort of like the wall of a Medieval castle. Not that I've ever seen the wall of a Medieval castle, it's what I imagine such a wall would look like.

Changing the subject from Chesapeake Eyesores to my favorite subject.

The temperature.

Currently it is 74 degrees in the outer world at my location in this parched part of the planet. The temperature currently at my former location in a not parched part of the planet, the Skagit Valley of Washington, is 41 degrees. And it is raining.

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