Sunday, November 13, 2011

The 2nd Sunday Of November In Texas Pondering The Temperature & The Origins Of Life

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at an outer world currently heated to 31 degrees above freezing at my location on this parched part of the planet I see yet one more clear blue sky sunny Sunday in Texas.

The 2nd Sunday of the next to last month of 2011.

At day 13 we are already half way through what was recently a new month.

Changing the subject from my favorite subject to the Universe.

Last night I was tossing and turning and then found myself laying wide awake pondering how a long ago big bang spewed inanimate matter all over the Universe, with eventually one piece of that matter turning into the Earth, revolving around the sun, with conditions on the Earth somehow conducive to producing massive amounts of water.

And then somehow, due to the presence of water and an atmosphere something magical happened that caused living cells to emerge. And then somehow those living cells magically turned into a huge variety of flora and fauna.

Including giant dinosaurs.

And then the giant dinosaurs went bye bye, followed by the even more magical arrival of what eventually became known as human beings.

All the organisms that magically appeared over the passage of time are mind bogglingly complex.

The gradual evolution of inanimate matter into a HUMONGOUS multitude of living things really doesn't seem like a sensible explanation for all that is living that inhabits the Earth.

And that is what kept me awake, wondering how in the world all that inhabits the world actually came to exist.

Very perplexing.

And now it is time to go swimming. I hope not to have too bad of a shivering after swimming effect.

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