Friday, November 11, 2011

Mourning The Colorful Dying Trees On The Tandy Hills While Thinking About What A Lucky Guy I Am

I don't know if we've had the first freeze of the year in this parched part of the planet. I know it has gotten close to freezing. I also know that the deciduous trees on the Tandy Hills are currently putting on a colorful display of colorful leaves.

That burnt orange tree you see in the picture is not burnt orange due to cold temperatures. It is burnt orange due to being murdered by the current drought.

There are a lot of dead trees on the Tandy Hills.

Speaking of which, I was back on the now totally dry Tandy Hills today for the most pleasant hill hiking I've done in a long time. Perfect conditions.

Today, the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium had me pondering what a lucky guy I am.

Yesterday, in Wal-Mart, I entered the store at the same time as a young woman in wheel chair. The young woman in the wheelchair had some sort of affliction which had her legs being very very short. She was being pushed by a person who was obviously her friend. The young lady in the wheelchair was laughing, smiling, talking, like she was having the most fun in the world. I watched as the young lady in the wheelchair affected others seeing her. It was like she was putting a smile on everyone's face.

Accompanied by a Salvation Army guy right outside the entry, tooting loudly on a saxaphone.

I'm sort of embarrassed that I've been whining about my aches and pains lately.

Instead of counting my blessings.

Like being able to hike the hills of a Texas prairie. Like being able to go swimming this morning. Like being able to type like a maniac right now.

Drastically changing the subject to my nephews, niece and grand nephew.

My favorite poodles in the world, Blue & Max, have a blog, appropriately called The Blue & Max Blog. Blue & Max chronicle the adventures of David, Theo & Ruby. And then there is my grand nephew Spencer Jack's blog. Currently there are a lot of cute pictures on Spencer Jack's blog of Spencer in his Halloween costume.

Til recently you had to be invited to be able to see Spencer Jack's blog. But now everyone can visit the blog of one of the cutest kids on the planet.

I think today I may be breaking my record for most blog posts on a single day. And this is not the only blog I've been busy on today. In addition to being busy on my Eyes on Texas website.

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