Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Spencer Jack Is Not The Uncle Of David, Theo & Ruby

My favorite ex-sister-in-law read the blogging yesterday about Spencer Jack and noticed I'd made an error.

So, my favorite ex-sister-in-law sent me another email, subject line: "I believe there is an error on the blog."

In the erroneous blogging I said...

"I had to ponder it a bit, and I think after pondering I have it right. That being that since I met Spencer he has acquired 2 new uncles and a new aunt. Who are all younger than Spencer is. The uncles are David Jay and Theo John. The aunt is Ruby Jean."

Regarding the above paragraph my favorite ex-sister-in-law said...

"I believe that Spencer’s relation to Michele’s children is first cousin, once removed.  When/If Michele’s kids have kids, those kids would be second cousins."

In the middle of the night I had a bout of not being able to sleep and got to pondering the Spencer being David, Theo and Ruby's uncle thing and realized that that could not be right. But there is no way I would have figured out the actual relationship being first cousin, once removed, because I just don't know about that type stuff.

That's what I have a favorite ex-sister-in-law for.

I forgot to mention, in the picture above, Spencer Jack is tiptoeing through one of the Skagit Valley tulip fields, sometime within the past couple months.

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