Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Middle Of June With A Texas-Sized Aching Back

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell, on this 15th day of June, we can see it is yet one more blue sky morning in Texas.

I heard thunder booming in the middle of the night. At least I assume the booming was thunder.

I am starting this Wednesday with a major pain I've not had in a long long time. That being my lower back is in full ache mode. I think I strained my back moving a BIG TV.

I read this morning that tomorrow around a quarter million Dallas Mavericks fans are expected at a Victory Parade. A quarter million is a lot of people. Out in the heat. I have no idea on what Dallas streets the Victory Parade is taking place.

In my current state of aching decrepitude I do not know if swimming would exacerbate the ache or make it better. What I do know is I am medicating myself with ibuprofen.

1 comment:

  1. Did MHMR buy themselves another one of them newfangled big flat screen tvs? Seems from the compelling video you just posted on the Paradise-MHMR scandal blog that their paid personnel need something to occupy their time between clocking in and out each day cuz they sure as hell ain't spending much of their paid time helping their clients. Why the hell ain't the media reporting this?
