Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Walking Backache Pain Free At Village Creek Not Wanting To Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

I think it was a virtual visit with my therapist, Dr. L.C., that made my back pain go away.

I'm feeling recovered.

I went on a non-strenuous walk in the Village Creek Natural Historic Area to stretch the formerly aching back area.

Walking amongst the ghosts of Village Creek seemed particularly poignant today, due to re-reading Dee Brown's Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.

The Indian tribes had already been run out of Texas by the time covered in Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.

Two things of interest in the Village Creek Bayou today. One is the bird head sticking up through the greenery. The other was several water snakes out in the water, past the bird. I've no idea if they were water moccasins. They were big, though.

I've had more than one conversation with Washingtonians today that have me being a bit of a melancholy baby. I'll get over it. I hope.


  1. Hi Durango. I'm pretty sure that's a yellow-crowned night heron. Correct habitat, very secretive, they hunker down in grassy areas during the day. Good find.

  2. I wondered what that bird was, GG. Had not seen one like it before. Usually the birds are easily spooked, but that guy just kept looking at what it was looking at, ignoring me.
