Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Am Going Over The Edge In Downtown Fort Worth For Only One Thousand Dollars

Yesterday I blogged that the entity known as Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. was sponsoring an event in Burnett Park on June 9 called Picnic & Politics in the Park.

I opined that Picnic & Politics in the Park struck me as a bit odd.

Just like how I think the Cowtown Wakepark is a bit odd.

The Cowtown Wakepark is part of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle. The Wakepark is the first part of the vision able to be seen.

And then there is the Rockin' Live on the Trinity River, TRV sponsored Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats. With music. Very, very, very odd.

The Trinity River Vision and Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. are tightly connected entities. Both Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy operations.

I think the Trinity River Vision and Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. must be consulting the same creative geniuses. Geniuses specializing in raising goofiness to some sort of art form.

Outdoing the Cowtown Wakepark, for sheer goofiness, is Downtown Fort Worth, Inc.'s "Over The Edge" event.

Fort Worth's current goofy mayor, Mike Moncrief, has been practicing for this event for at least a month.

Mayor Mike's first rappelling lesson ended up with him upside down on the side of a Fort Worth skyscraper.

On Friday, June 24, for only $1,000, you can rappel down the side of the 26 story XTO building at 714 Main Street in beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

This is limited to only 80 participants, so you'll want to sign up as soon as possible, because those 80 slots are going to go fast.

According to the DFWI website, you will "Get a whole new view of Downtown Fort Worth during this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience big thrills and excitement!"

The DFWI website also suggests, "If you want to live on the edge, this is your chance! Go as a solo climber, or sign up a representative from your organization. Pool your money and "toss your boss." Or give this unique experience as a Father's Day or anniversary gift."

The DFWI website claims this is "A Lofty Fundraiser for Downtown Fort Worth" where "Your participation will help Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. (DFWI) continue to improve our wonderful Downtown. You'll be supporting projects like the JFK Tribute, our downtown marketing programs, Burnett Park, Heritage Park, our social media efforts and everything DFWI does for Downtown!"

This will help support projects like Heritage Park? Heritage Park is a closed, surrounded by chain link fence, downtown Fort Worth eyesore.

If 80 people actually pay $1,000 to rappel down a building, that is only $80,000. Minus, I am sure, a lot of expenses. How is this measly amount going to help Heritage Park, where the latest estimate of the cost to restore it to its former glory is something like $7 million?

That would take a lot of people paying $1,000 each to rappel down a Fort Worth building to raise $7 million.


  1. I given this a lot of thought, and think the fortress-like walls around Heritage Park need to come down. But no one cares what I think because I'm not in the FWRO or on a citizen's advisory committee.

  2. GG---
    I thought the same thing, even before Heritage Park was closed. That wall on the south end is a mistake. Take it down and the park opens up.
