Saturday, May 28, 2011

Almost 100 With Pirate Booty & Tandy Hills Hiking With No Power

At 3 in the afternoon we are currently 5 degrees shy of today's predicted high of 98.

I think it was nearing 90 when I went hill hiking on the Tandy Hills today. The humidity seems to have dropped, so the hill hiking was not like walking through a wet wool blanket, like it was a few days ago.

I was surprised to see, today, that the Tandy Bamboo Teepee art installation survived the recent storms. I would have thought being pummeled by hail, rain, winds and possible tornadic action would have brought down the teepee.

Here in East Baghdad, I mean, East Fort Worth, the power went out again this morning. There were a couple very short outages. And then it went out for about an hour.

I am getting very tired of the almost daily power outages. The Albertsons, across the street, and the Krogers a little further up the street, both lose power when I do. As do several other businesses in the zone I live in.

I am sure it must have happened at some point in time, but I do not ever remember the power going out when I lived in Mount Vernon. All the utilities were underground there. Is that the difference? Or does it have something to do with Texas being more like a third world country than Washington is?

I had a good foraging expedition at Town Talk after my Tandy hiking. I got grapes. And a super-sized bag of Pirate's Booty white cheddar cheese puffs. They're a delicacy.

I think I will go swimming now and do some sun lounging in the 93 degree heat. I likely will not last long.

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