Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Cry For Help From Another Only Child Syndrome Victim

A long time ago I blogged about Only Child Syndrome. Little did I know there were so many people out there being perplexed by bad Only Child behavior.

I have gotten a lot of comments on this subject, some from people who are really having a hard time dealing with the syndrome and some from Only Child Syndrome Deniers.

Now, I have never ever suggested that all Only Children develop the syndrome, any more than I would suggest that all Little Men develop Little Man Syndrome.

This morning Anonymous told me her Only Child Syndrome woes and asked for tips on how to deal with the syndrome.

If I were Anonymous I would walk away. The case of Only Child Syndrome you are dealing with is only going to get worse. They can stifle their impulses only so long.

The Only Child Syndrome blogging to which Anonymous commented has dozens of comments now. This is not the only Only Child Syndrome blogging with dozens of comments. I think the only thing I have blogged about that has received more comments is when I brought up the extremely controversial subject of the Wink Sinkholes. Who knew what a brouhaha that subject would brew?

Anyway, below is what Anonymous had to say about her case of Only Child Syndrome...

This blog was enlightening. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years and everything seemed fine up until 6 or so months ago.

I knew from the start he was an only child, but I guess the honeymoon phase was so great, none of what you are talking about showed.

Then he started acting up, getting upset with me and going silent on me just because of I refuse to do what he wanted.it was baaaaaad. he'd totally cut me off like I had never existed and it would be so humiliating, especially if it was in public.

These 'mood swings' have become worse. If he's upset, he can cut me off for a week, no communication whatsoever. The amazing thing is that when he 'returns' its all rosy again. Until I 'refuse' to do what he says then he goes on a complete stink. I am a typical middle kid and such stuff is exhausting and quite irritating, especially because I AM THE GIRL IN THE RELATIONSHIP!!!!

Anyways, I love this man, he is amazing most of the time, makes a big deal about what is important to me. I appreciate all that, but if I don't make as much noise as he'd like (e.g. his birthday, etc), he goes sulky on me.

I feel like I shouldn't give up on him just yet (you must all think I am crazy) because he is a good man, I have no trust issues with him (very rare) and I see long term with him, and I love him.

Oh and he has such wonderful parents, they like me and if any of the attention they give me is half of what they give him - it's slightly (but nicely, lol) suffocating to say the least. His mom even told me at the start of our dating that he has weaknesses - that he can keep silent for extended periods, guess I was forewarned.

Are there any tips on how you can help these people??


  1. I say send him to daycare so he can learn to share and socialize properly. Or better yet, maybe he should spend ALOT of time doing community service...you know, putting others ahead of himself so he can learn selflessness. But don't make the mistake thinking that your love can "transform" him...either accept him the way he is or move on.

  2. Thanks Durango and Cheap tricks and costly truths.....what you say is hard to hear but it makes sense...

    So, I have been trying to set a meeting in order to end the relationship and he is busy....not so much of a shock because that is how he acts when he is upset.....

    So it will be a week on Saturday since we've had meaningful conversation and I have decided to end it by text message (as he leaves for business tomorrow for two weeks)

    I hope this this will not totally kill me but I guess I have to be strong

    Thanks once again

  3. What you've encountered is a whole dose of passive aggressive with a heaping helping of spoiled brat.

    If I were you, and I really loved the individual, I'd just let them throw their fit and sulk and cut me off. It'd give me a chance to go watch that movie at the cinema that I've been wanting to see.

    If you know how to make yourself happy then this kind of behavior won't bother you at all.

    2 weeks a month, you get to live your own life. The other 2 weeks you have an entertaining partner to share it with. It's the best of both worlds.
