Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday July 13 In Texas Is Off To An Inauspicious Start

Tuesday, July 13, 2010 is not off to an auspicious start. Though, as you can see, via the morning view from my patio, the sky is semi-blue. That is better than gray and threatening rain or worse.

But, it is that picture where the day turned inauspicious. When I went to take the picture off the camera nothing happened. Usually this is pretty much a very fast process.

I tried a variety of things to make it work. But it didn't. Usually when I turn on the camera after plugging in the USB connector it is all automatic from that point. But, not this morning.

I tried manually starting up the camera reader. But my computer acted as if it did not exist. So, I went with the old standby of restarting the computer.

When the computer was starting to shutdown for the restart, I finally woke up enough to look for the obvious. As in, I had not plugged the USB connector all the way in.

Problem solved.

For weeks I have been being nagged by Adobe Reader to install an update. The nag messages said a restart may be needed. So, I put it off.

After the computer restarted, after the camera debacle, a new version of the Adobe Reader nag message popped up. This one detailed what the update did. And said no restart was needed.

So, I installed the Adobe Reader update.

And when it was done installing an Adobe Reader message popped up telling me that for the Adobe Reader updates to become effective I needed to restart my computer.

Do I really need Adobe Reader? I think maybe not.

I think it is time to go swimming and hopefully turn this inauspicious day around.

1 comment:

  1. I finally got annoyed enough with the constant Adobe updates to ditch it and try alternatives. So far Sumatra Reader has worked. http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/index.html
