Monday, April 5, 2010

Steve Doeung's Gone Missing While I Spy Fort Worth Code Violators & Green Tandy Hills With Wildflowers

As you can see in the picture the Tandy Hills are starting to get green. You can also see it is a cloudy day here in the Fort Worth zone of Texas.

What you can not see is it is a semi-balmy 76, right now, at 3 in the afternoon. And it is humid.

It is less than 20 days til the April 24 2010 Tandy Hills Prairie Fest.

A few more wildflowers have made their presence known, including the purple wildflower below, but the hills are no where near their usual bright state of color, as has been seen in previous years.

The wildflowers have less than 3 weeks to paint the prairie before the Prairie Fest.

Speaking of diminished color and the Prairie Fest. I learned on Easter that, due to a variety of reasons, the Queen of Wink and Princess Annie, mostly likely, will not be making a royal appearance at the Prairie Fest.

In a slightly related subject, Carter Avenue's Steve Doeung seems to have gone missing.

Today I was finally able to see something he told me about the last time I saw Steve. That being something that precisely pointed out the bogusness of the multiple Fort Worth Gestapo Stormtrooper raids on Steve's house, due to imaginary code violations.

Behind Steve's house, on Bomar Avenue, sets a large semi-vacant lot, next to the home of the large semi-vacant lot's owner. That vacant lot owner has connections to those who order Fort Worth's Gestapo Stormtrooper raids. On that vacant lot is an eyesore level of likely code violations, if this were a city where such things were actually a concern.

If Steve's rather tidy yard, with its imaginary code violating piece of protest art, was worthy of a Gestapo raid, then his neighbor is worthy of an Army Brigade size Fort Worth Gestapo Stormtrooper raid.

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