Monday, April 5, 2010

Tarrant Regional Water District Throwing An Eagle Mountain Lake Party On Election Day

I believe Saturday, May 8 is election day for the Tarrant Regional Water District. On that day the TRWD is holding something called the 18th Annual Eagle Mountain Lake Cleanup. Volunteers will get a special Eagle Mountain Cleanup t-shirt and a Cleanup kit. After the Cleanup the Cleanuppers are invited to a big party thrown in their honor. With prizes, free food and entertainment.

Who is paying for this I can't help but wonder? And is this some clever Machiavellian scheme to lure potential voters away from a ballot box that day, to keep the vote to its usual suppress Fort Worth level of about 6% of the eligible voters? I'm sure the lure of free food and prize will lure 1000s of voters to pick up litter. I wonder why the TRWD did not think of adding free beer to the lure?

Is this possibly nefarious Machiavellian scheme part of a plot to help guarantee the re-election of the status quo and thwart the election of the Honorable Right Knights, John Basham and Adrian Murray, in their quest bring a halt to the TRWD's other schemes.

Schemes like suing the state of Oklahoma to take Oklahoma's water.

Schemes like abusing eminent domain to take private property so other private business owners can benefit from the ridiculous scheme called the Trinity River Vision, a vision never voted on by the people of Fort Worth, which spends around $ 1 billion to build a little like, maybe some canals, 3 bridges and an un-needed flood diversion channel.

You can read a good Fort Worth Business Press article about the different views of those running for TRWD Board of Directors seats here...

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