Monday, April 5, 2010

Incoming Woolley Ham To Cure Texas Easter Hangover

I've been having myself a really bad day after Easter Hangover.

My feeding yesterday was your basic All-American Easter Dinner of Fried Chicken and Ham Pizza.

My delicate system is not used to a lot of fried food, particularly in combo with a lot of pizza.

I have not been so stuffed since my last bout of buffet bloat in Las Vegas. And that was years ago.

I am totally out of practice for over-eating.

So, I suffered all night long. Did not sleep well. When I did sleep I had horrible nightmares, mostly about pizza.

By the time I got done with a long time in the pool, this morning, I felt on the way to recovery, with my overeating hangover slowly receding.

Yesterday Betty Jo told me I'd be out of luck finding a good ham on short notice. Betty Jo was right. By Easter evening Betty Jo was bragging about how good her ham was, that everyone loved it and that she'd send me some if I wanted her to. So, I gave Betty Jo my ham mailing address.

This morning I got email from Betty Jo telling me, "the ham is in the mail...."

My mom and dad have mailed beef jerky to me from Phoenix, so ham being mailed by the Wild Woman of Woolley, in Washington, doesn't really seem all that odd to me.

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