Friday, August 30, 2024

Semi-Chilly Return To Wichita Bluff Nature Area With No Rattlesnakes

With the temperature in the relatively chilly 80s, but with high humidity and little wind, I opted to drive to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area this final Friday of August, for the first time in many months, for some semi-hilly endorphin inducing aerobic activity.

In the photo documentation we are at the location of the highest picnic spot in Wichita Falls, looking east towards the skyline of beautiful downtown Wichita Falls.

I have avoided the Wichita Bluff Nature Area since some point in time, last Spring, after the Lucy Park entity we refer to as The Blue Man, made mention of the fact that he had encountered two rattlesnakes curled up on the Wichita Bluff Nature Area paved trail.

The fact that one might come upon rattlesnakes, and the fact that the Wichita Bluff Nature Area provides little shade from the blistering sun, it seemed a good idea to avoid this location til cooler temperatures made the bluffs more pleasant and cold-blooded creatures less mobile.

So, I saw no shade or snakes today whilst enjoying some salubrious bluff hiking.

I suspect in the coming months returning to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area will be a frequent go to location. 

Meanwhile, thunderstorming is on the weather menu for today and tomorrow....

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