Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Found On Page 60 Of Burlington-Edison High School Yearbook

That which you see here showed up in my email this morning, via something called Classmates.com, with the message in the email saying this...

You've been spotted in the 1980 Burlington-Edison High School yearbook. Is that you on page 60?

1980? I think the year is wrong, but that is definitely me, on the left, in my Junior year yearbook.

Right next to me, in the yearbook, is the entity who used to be known as Small, before she joined some sort of cult and began calling herself McNutt.

It has been a few years since I have attended a high school class reunion. I think the 20th one is the last I have been to. Even then I recollect the experience being a tad unsettling, wondering to myself, how can all these old people be the same age as me?

Starting in 2021 my high school class has been having a reunion every year, usually on the last Saturday of July. I have not felt an urge to attend any of these. I feel like I get plenty of high school reconnecting via Facebook, and other means.

And now my high school class has begun having monthly reunions, on the first Monday of the month, at a place in Burlington called Coconut Kenny's.

So, clearly. there must be some who enjoy the high school reunion thing.

I sort of remember the high school years fondly.

I remember other things more fondly. I do not go to many reunions of those other things either...

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