Saturday, May 11, 2024

Seeing The Northern Lights With David, Theo & Ruby At Dune Peninsula Park In Tacoma

At some point in time yesterday I was told that the Northern Lights Auroa Borrelis light show was going to be visible all the way to the southern United States.

I erroneously opined that this was erroneous, that it is rare for the Northern Lights even to be seen in the northern states, like my old home zone of Washington.

Well, I was wrong. Such happens so rarely it is an unsettling sensation.

All my years in Washington I only saw the Northern Lights once, in the early 1990s, from the roof deck of my house in Mount Vernon, looking at the lights through the wall of trees. I had never seen anything like it before, like a fireworks display on steroids.

When my little sister, Michele, flew the family to Paris earlier this year, or was it late last year. I don't remember. Time flies. Well, the route to Paris had a stop in Iceland on the way. Favorite Nephew Theo was hoping he'd get to see the Northern Lights in Iceland. But, that did not happen.

So, I emailed Michele yesterday, in the oft chance she was not aware that the Northern Lights would be appearing in Washington last night, and tonight. I suggested a better chance might be had by driving over the Cascades to Eastern Washington where cloudiness is much rarer than it is in Western Washington.

Well, Michele emailed back that going to Eastern Washington was not doable due to other plans, something to do with Theo and Ruby and soccer.

But, they'd been told that a new Tacoma park, Dune Peninsula Park, between Point Ruston and Point Defiance, was expected to provide excellent Northern Light viewing, if the clouds cooperated.

Well, the clouds did cooperate, as evidenced by the photo above, sent to my phone, this morning, from Michele.

Last night I totally forgot about the Northern Lighs and did not look outside to see if I could see them. This morning I saw photos of the light show taken in Austin, a Texas town a couple hundred miles south of my North Texas location.

I will try and remember to look outside tonight. Currently the sky is cloud covered....

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