Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day To All You Moms Including Mine

It has been five years since I have made a Happy Mother's Day call to my mom. Hard to believe it has been that long.

The photo you see here is of me wheeling mom towards the restaurant at Tortilla Flats, in Arizona. With mom providing directions I drove myself, mom, Big Ed and Linda Lou on a treacherous twisty road to our final Tortilla Flats destination.

This was in October of 2018.

The next year, 2019, I was back in Arizona in March and July.

Both times being the worst flights I have experienced. Almost half a day stuck in DFW International, waiting to fly to Phoenix. And the other incident having flights out of Wichita Falls cancelled due to weather so bad planes could not land at DFW. So, I had to book a new flight for the next day.

Both incidents had me out of my usual window seat, stuck in the dreaded middle seat.

I have not flown since 2019. COVID put an end to doing such for a year or two. Or was it three? All I know is I really do not have much desire to fly anywhere.

Anyway, Happy Mother's Day!!!

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