Monday, May 13, 2024

Hot Humid Sikes Lake Walk With Ankle Wrist Bracelet Bug Protection

Yesterday, the day known as Mother's Day, Mother Nature opted to unleash an almost all-day long downpour temper tantrum at my North Texas location.

Including many lightning strikes and thunder booms.

By today, as in Monday, the sky has somewhat cleared, rain is not on the weather menu for today. But all that rain, the past couple days, combined with a lot of sun HEAT, is making both outdoors and indoors super humid.

Yesterday my daily endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation took place in Walmart, due to that aforementioned excessive drippage.

Today I opted to drive to nearby Sikes Lake for some fast humid walking with my fellow fast humid walkers.

This marked the first opportunity I had to make use of the wrist and ankle citronella bracelets I got upon advice from the Skagit Valley's favorite Linda Lou nurse.

That is what you see photo documented above. My left wrist, bug bracelet protected, with my pointing finger attempting to point at the Sikes Lake dam spillway, which is spilling some water today.

So far I make note of no new bug bites. The biting bugs should be out in force today, what with all the rain, the heat and the humidity.

I hope Linda Lou's anti-bug bite prescription works.

I have grown weary of having so many bug bites.

Why I have become attractive bug biting material, this year, after never being attractive bug bite material my previous years in Texas, is a mystery, with no current apparent explanation readily available...

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