Friday, May 10, 2024

Lake Wichita Finally Full Floating Former Dry Docks

Went walking at Lake Wichita Park for the first time since the downpours of the past week have raised the lake level to just about full pool for the first time in well over a year.

Thus, for the first time in a long time, the lake is now deep enough for speedboats to zip across the lake. Today I saw two doing so.

And the new kayak launching dock is fully floating for the first time, something I had started to think I would never see.

More rain is on the menu for the coming week.

Meanwhile, if I was up north in my old Washington home zone, tonight I would be seeking a clear sky so as to see the Northern Lights light up the night. I have only seen this once, from my house in Mount Vernon. It was spectacular.

I just learned from sister Michele that she has been told the new Dune Peninsula Park at Point Defiance is a recommended viewing location. I'd suggested heading over to Eastern Washington, which regularly has way fewer clouds than Western Washington, but that is not doable due to the twins, Theo and Ruby, have soccer games on Saturday.

I do not know if Theo and Ruby play on the same team. I suspect not...

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