Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Remembers The Ennis National Polka Festival

That which you see here showed up in my email this morning, a Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day that I clearly remember.

I do not remember if this took place in May. I do remember it was a warm day, so likely May. That photo is of a float in the Ennis National Polka Festival Parade.

The Ennis National Polka Festival Parade was one of the best parades I have ever eye witnessed.

Parades are one thing I have experienced which Texas does quite well.

Like the Arlington 4th of July Parade. All the town's high school bands, pep clubs and cheerleaders participate. Unlike parades in my old Skagit Valley home zone.

Granbury's 4th of July Parade is another incredibly well done one, again with the town's schools participating, including the high school football team. I remember that was one extra HOT parade to watch.

I've experienced Fort Worth's Stock Show Parade a couple times. It is billed as the world's biggest non-mechanized parade, as in no motorized vehicles. The Stock Show Parade is the best thing I ever saw Fort Worth do. Highly entertaining.

The Texas town I am currently in, Wichita Falls, has an annual 4th of July Parade which serves up oodles of small-town charm. I've watched this parade four times. The parade was cancelled during COVID. Last July the parade returned. I did not attend. I likely will this coming July.

Check out the blog posts about the Wichita Falls 4th of July Parades and you shall see what I mean by small town charm...

Now, that is enough memories for today....

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