Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Imminent Severe Weather Alert Arrived Early Before Thunder Storming Came To Town

Yesterday, early in the evening, whilst the sun still shined, with the sky clear of clouds and brightly blue, my phone loudly erupted with the dire weather warning you see here.

The warning repeated four times during a half hour period.

The sun soon set, with no clouds seen before the end of the day's solar illumination.

I assumed the National Weather Service made a mistake with the weather warning accidentally going to areas not in dire danger of baseball size hail.

And then in the middle of the night, around three in the morning, all hell broke loose.

And continues to break loose, well after the sun's resumption of illumination duty. 

It looks like I can not make it to the carport without going through the moat which looks to be surrounding my abode.

Below is a screen cap of today's weather prediction from the Wichita Falls Times Record News.

I have not seen any baseball sized hail. Soon after last night's storming began I did hear several loud thumps which I assumed were hail.

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