Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day Memory Remembering My Old Home Zone In Mount Vernon Washington

A Memorial Day Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day that I actually remember, unlike so many of those Microsoft memories.

What we are looking at here is part of the front of my house at my former home zone of Mount Vernon in the great state of Washington.

There were two front entries, one from the carport on the left, and the other at the top of the stairs.

Above the carport I had a rooftop patio garden growing all sorts of good things.

Blueberries, strawberries, various herbs, tomatoes, a lot of flowers and I forget what else.

I do not try to grow anything at my Texas location.

Trying such would likely be frustrating. Way too many things can go wrong here.

Golf ball size hail pummeling the plants. Various critters, like locusts, feasting on the plants. 70 mph gusts of wind. A flooding downpour. Temperatures way too HOT.

Speaking of which, it is another HOT one this Memorial Day. Not predicted to hit 100, but neither was yesterday, when my vehicle's thermometer hit 102. 

I think I will dose myself with anti-bug spray, and arm myself with my anti-bug bracelets, and have a mighty fine walk around Sikes Lake in about an hour...


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