Thursday, May 16, 2024

Another Sleep Disrupting Thunderstorm In The Wichita Falls Disaster Area

Last night, around three in the morning, thunder booming began, after lightning lit up the darkness. This lasted for hours, along with copious amounts of rain hitting the ground.

I was able to sleep through some of it.

The sun has been doing its daily illuminating duty for about an hour, but it still looks dark, rain is still dripping, thunder continues to boom, off and on.

Yesterday we learned, surprisingly, that Wichita County has been declared a Disaster Area due to recent rains doing damage, none of which I have eye witnessed.

I assume the current drenching is amplifying the Disaster Area into being even More Disastrous. 

Walmart will be my venue today for acquiring endorphins via high speed walking and anthropological observations...

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