Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Apparently Rain Has Turned Wichita County Into A Disaster Area

Saw that which you see here, this morning, on the front page of the online version of the local newspaper called the Wichita Falls Times Record News.

Wichita County has seen a lot of rain fall the past couple weeks. But enough to have made the county a disaster area? Apparently there has been some road damage. I have not seen any road damage.

I have been in an area where a disaster has struck a time or two or three, with, if I am remembering correctly, the area not declared a disaster area.

Like when downtown Fort Worth was struck by a tornado, early in this century, killing several and doing a lot of property damage. I do not recollect a disaster area being called.

When Fort Worth and Tarrant County were hit with deadly flash floods, again earlier this century, drowning some, including a little girl named Ally Collins, and leaving Elsie Hotpepper's home teetering on the brink of falling into a raging creek, I do not recollect a disaster area being declared.

In my old home zone I think I recollect when the Mount St. Helens volcano erupted, killing dozens and doing an incredible amount of damage, I do not recollect a disaster area being declared. Maybe because it was so obviously a disaster no one needed to declare it as such.

I remember the valley I lived in before moving to Texas, the Skagit Valley, being hit by destructive flooding due to the Skagit River breeching dikes intended to contain the river during floods. Was a disaster area declared? I do not recollect it, if it was.

Anyway, more heavy rain is on the way at my current location, arriving later today, compounding the situation in this area, which is already, apparently, a disaster...

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